For me, I like PC games and my family members are xbox supporters lol. It's not that they hate the Play Station system. I also have the DS (Lite, DSI, and 3DS) I also owned a game cube and nintendo 64.
My favorites from when I was a kid:
Dead of Alive
Phantasy Star Online
Grand Theft Auto (lol)
Naruto Clash of Ninja 2
Mario Party
I am not a big fan of racing games but I like Maximum Tune and Initial D.
I like Legend of Edda, League of Legends, Maple Story, Age of Wushu, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Soul Caliber IV, Samurai Warriors, Pokemon, Final Fantasy IV, Mario Cart 7, Mario Party 8, Super Mario Bros, Golden Sun, gaiaonline's zOMG, and many more.
I really hate runescape. Not a big fan of games where you lose your items when you die. I'm okay with Minecraft but not something I would put my dedication to.
I am not good at Halo or Call of Duty. As a matter of fact, I am not good at any shooting games that involves pvp lol yep