For Those Who Is Need Venting...

Everyone has had bad days and often we just need to vent our frustrations before we fly off the handle at someone. If you are having a hard time at work you can post your thoughts here and hopefully someone can replied back with something positive to make you feel better. If you are having a hard time with your significant other, you can ask for advice or help to better understand the situation from each gender perspective. If you are depressed, lonely, or angry, again, this can be a great way to find solution to what is troubling you the most in life. We should all share our experiences without fear of being judge here. I know all of us here has probably gone through some difficult times in our lives and have useful insights to share with the KF community.

As a rule, please be civil about things. I know its satisfying to just be blatant and "say it how it is." But that's the point, let's not say anything that can hurt or offend people. So please be really nice and respectful as much as possible especially to our people when we are venting, no cussing or threats of violence is allowed. No political topic is allowed because it's very sensitive topic and we have members from the homeland here as well and we should have respect for them and for all members. There's diversity here and let's be aware of that.

Just so you know, this thread is inspired by the conversation I had with Rei, Meimei, and I think Rock also was there. Topics we discussed include careers, education, finance, and social awareness and so I really want this forum to be a continuation of that conversation.

You guys let me know what you think. If this doesn't sound like a good idea, I can always delete this thread and we can go back to discussing chinese series and chinese actors/actresses. I don't mind it. :D
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Damn I had such a hard day. I swear my landlord is completely nuts cause I swear every time I see and talk to her, it's always about asking me for money. 2 orders of Venti size coffee and 2 and half pills of hydroxyzine still couldn't keep me calm. I was about to explode! I already given her 2000 dollars in the past year and half living here and I swear every time she farts she thinks of new reason to ask for money. FML I won't be renewing my lease this time around.

Ah...I feel a lot better. :D


Level 3
Awesome thread Happy! Do you still owe your landlord $$ for her to bring up the money talk? Just picture her as one of the opponents in your FPS game and go full rage lol.
Awesome thread Happy! Do you still owe your landlord $$ for her to bring up the money talk? Just picture her as one of the opponents in your FPS game and go full rage lol.

I actually don't owe her a dime. When I move units, she kept my 1500 deposit and made me deposit another 1000, which I did. So total I'm gave her 2500. Then she tried to charge me another 500 for making the stove dirty! I mean, WTF, all stoves are dirty! FU& angry again. That was when i really was about to lose it, and when I lose it, it's never good for anyone. That's why I'm seeing a psychiatrist and taking anti-depressant and anti-anxiety, because I will lose it and turn into a khmer gangster. I basically broke my hand 6 months ago punching a concrete wall that why also, I disappear. I have to be real careful with my anger because I will lose everything and get deported. I'm so paranoid of one day losing my anger so I went for therapy and anger management sessions.

No what happen this time, she saw my brand new mercedes and came up to me, starts yelling at me, ask me if its my car, and told me the parking rent is now 125 instead of 75~! That's bitch is crazy I swear. I was so mad and still right now I"m still angry but not as much. So now, I have to find another parking spot b/c I don't want to deal with this lady. I have to park a mile away near, 4 blocks from Seattle University and basically ride my bicycle for one mile to get to my car now, because I'm not paying her anymore money. She's thinks I'm made of money and I can create it out of thin air like the US treasury but I simply cannot. I dont even have money to pay my medical bills or go back to college.

I thought about writing "loser" on her car but realize that would make me seem crazy, especially if I get caught. She already thinks I"m crazy as it is because I always wear my sunglasses at night to cover my dark circles and bags. No she is just another lazy white person who feels entitled or powerful and can basically treat people like shit. My psychological assessment of her is this: She's divorced. No family. Her adult children don't like her. She's lonely and depressed. She's also broke. She never cook and eat out too much and bad food at that. She's completely OCD cause she has to wash her car everyday cause I never see that damn thing dirty. She has some sort of a mood disorder, I'm thinking bi-polar or something in that area. She's manipulative and she's lies about everything. And she's a sociopath. She's has no emotional connection with anyone except her grandson who is full black which makes me really confuse cause she's full white.

She has lied to me about everything I have no idea why she is crazy like that. She doesn't seem to be addicted to any substances. She's pretty healthy for her age. I never saw her happy for the two years I lived here. To be honest with you bro, the bitch is racist, she's think I'm stupid cause I'm asian or something. Sad, cause I'm more educated than her. I just happen to be a really nice guy. I don't want any problem so I been dismissing what she says to me for year but it's stop since I yelled at her about the stove. Honestly thinking of getting a fucking lawyer cause I can't leave here because the location is great for work. I work at the hospital and it's walking distance from my apartment so i be stupid to move.
Awesome thread Happy! Do you still owe your landlord $$ for her to bring up the money talk? Just picture her as one of the opponents in your FPS game and go full rage lol.

I can't play games anymore, my eyes are that bad from using computer too much over the years. I think it been almost 10 years i stick my eyes in front of computer now I have vision problems and when I play games, my eyes get strained very fast. I only play on PSP now doesn't hurt my eyes so much. Also, selling my game collection soon, I have mint condition ps3 slim 60 gb with 78 awesome games. All mint condition. I might put it up on my ebay listing, Rei , you interested? I only ask for 55% of what I paid for it. You can get it though my ebay account. I mail to overnight in professional packaging. Let me know :D I gotta pay for my mercedes somehow....


These are some issues of that I've had in school:

I am angry at myself for giving people too many chances. I am foolish for letting my friends use me. For example, when they are in trouble, I back them up and comfort them when they need it. In the end, they don't need my comfort or advice, they go to someone else that they prefer (when that person is available) and they will talk about how that person has helped them so much about their situation. When hanging out, my friends think it's so easy for me to just simply leave my house and go hang out. Just like them, I have homework and people to take care of. I am busy too. Plus it's not safe now a days with all of the gun shooting sprees. =( I don't really know how to say no to people so I just keep throwing excuses at them. Most of the time it's a real excuse and sometimes it's a lie. I feel bad for people and I care about how they will feel if I say no or something wrong. Maybe I care too much?

Another problem is when two of my friends are not getting along and they start a drama that will last for a long time. I am always in the middle of it. I didn't do anything or ask to take part of it but I always have to play the role of a two face and help both sides if I do end up in the middle of the situation. I don't have to deal with that anymore, thank goodness. How did you guys deal with something like that back in school? (Guessing that you guys are university students or working)

I also have another problem where I start avoiding and ignoring all of my friends. Sometimes I don't know what to say when they are upset. As I said above, I give advice but they want it from someone else. It hurts when something like that happens so to avoid it, I just ignore their message now a days which leads to them not wanting to be my friend. It's not a good idea because what if that person is suicidal? :nailbiting: I also avoid people when they want to hang out with me. Of course I want to hang out too but you know those days where you just want to stay home and relax and be a nerd (games/manga/anime/dramas)? I mean with family it's different. They are my one of my top priorities. And it's safe with them lol. Not saying that my friends are dangerous. I just don't trust people that much anymore. x_x

Sometimes I think that it's better to have no friends. Just staying as classmates who chats from time to time is fine with me. I have been betrayed many times and abandoned my times. That is what has lead me to ignore my friends now. I had many friends but the numbers are steadily decreasing over time. People come and go but for me it's a, 'you either stay or go, don't come in and out of my life as you please' (There are some people that I know that could be my bffl for a day and the next, they just toss me aside.) I do get lonely sometimes at school. In gym, I only know a few people and see a few people that I recognize but they don't know me. The people that I know are those popular types that only talk to me when their friends are not around. They will play games with me such as maple story, league of legends, legend of edda, and etc but in the end, they will walk past me with their friends, as if I don't exist. Sucks but hey, gotta toughen up. It's high school and there are thousands of students in the buildings that I might come upon and become good friends with. And education is more important than these minor issues. I want graduate knowing that I successfully did my best and there are a few people who have been waiting for that day to come.

I don't know many of you guys on this website but you guys are probably the most friendliest people that I have seen on a forum website. Thank you for your time if you read this, khmerforumsfam lol :sorry::nailbiting::oops:


:) A lot of young people actually have a lot of problems same as your. In fact, I had the same problems in high school, college. It just a part of growing up and learning how to socialize the right way. First off, it sounds like all you guys just have a lot of growing up to do and that's is perfectly normal. We don't really understand how relationship works until 40 dear, after marriage, career, kids, then you have better picture of it all.

I want you to read a book, its called "10 habits of highly succesful people" and "10 habits of highly successful teens." In the book, it deals with your problems and can explain to you what you need to do to better your life. As for your friends, I would definitely just drop them. You pick your friends, don't let your friends pick you. You will run into a lot of bullshit and it wont stop until you stop running into people who bring the bullshit. My advice, have higher standards for friendship. Be picky, always focus on yourself first, do the best you can in life, and the right friends will come along dear. Always put yourself first! Self-perservation is the key, and you will have always friends, dear, trust me. Sounds like you are too focus the lives of other, that is why you are running into problems.

So focus on your grades, your looks, your goals, your popularity, your health, and I promise, a lot of people gonna want to become your best friends. Hope this helps.



Thank you happy ^__^ I'll make sure to look for those books the next time I go to a bookstore. A few people have told me to same, to focus on my life more and not the lives of others. Right now I have two good friends and one of them is on the website too, :3 IAMASIAN lol

Right now I am worried about my Air Conditioner! It was running just fine but I can't turn it off. So I tried pulling out the plug and then I tried turning it on, doesn't work. My mom gave me a fan but I am trying to get the AC to work again. I think it's trying to tell me that it's time for a new AC or something is wrong with it.
Thank you happy ^__^ I'll make sure to look for those books the next time I go to a bookstore. A few people have told me to same, to focus on my life more and not the lives of others. Right now I have two good friends and one of them is on the website too, :3 IAMASIAN lol

Right now I am worried about my Air Conditioner! It was running just fine but I can't turn it off. So I tried pulling out the plug and then I tried turning it on, doesn't work. My mom gave me a fan but I am trying to get the AC to work again. I think it's trying to tell me that it's time for a new AC or something is wrong with it.

Yeah ....


Level 3
Happy, great advices given to Sreymup...I wouldn't have put it in better words. Most of us go through that stage in life to realize down the road that those high school years were nothing but a passing breeze, good or bad. All the popular kids back then are a nobody now. All the friends I made from high school have already completely vanished from my life since over half a decade ago lol. The few good friends I have now are the one I play Call of Duty with after work.

As for your land lady, she sounds crazy lol. I hope you can find another location closer to work. Btw, your relatives are not around?
Happy, great advices given to Sreymup...I wouldn't have put it in better words. Most of us go through that stage in life to realize down the road that those high school years were nothing but a passing breeze, good or bad. All the popular kids back then are a nobody now. All the friends I made from high school have already completely vanished from my life since over half a decade ago lol. The few good friends I have now are the one I play Call of Duty with after work.

As for your land lady, she sounds crazy lol. I hope you can find another location closer to work. Btw, your relatives are not around?

Unfortunately, I realized I come from a really strange, dysfunctional family and decided to part ways with after a long time ago, after my third year of trying to get into pharmacy school, I realized the khmer culture doesn't really "fit" with long hours of studying and other academic requirements. With that being said, I'm pretty much a loner, with no relative. All I have is a few close friends, like minded people, that I met through the years. So to avoid loneliness, I stay focus and driven, 24-7. Some khmer family, they do things right, and some just don't, well most don't I think. They always fight and want to kill each other lol. It's just me and my dog, and a few friends who are trying to do the same thing as me, which is to make it in America :D


Level 2
Sreymup, when my friends have a conflict, I remain neutral. I listen if they need to vent but I stay out of their problem; let them deal with it themselves.
There's a time for everything. Sometimes you want to be alone and at times you want to socialize. You're not necessarily avoiding your friends, you just need some time to yourself. Don't feel bad about it. A true friend won't make a big deal if you don't want to hang out. Don't think/worry too much about what people think of you.

Happy, you mentioned that the Khmer culture doesn't fit with your studying, how so? I thought the Khmer culture stresses education, no?
Happy, you mentioned that the Khmer culture doesn't fit with your studying, how so? I thought the Khmer culture stresses education, no?

Hamster, if that's true what you are saying, shouldn't there be a high percentage of Khmers with higher education and advance degrees? Numbers don't lie, how many Khmers graduate University and go on to graduate school in USA? Very very few...

From what I see here in WA most Khmers just trying to pay for their house in the suburbs and their kids end up helping, straight outta high school, living at home till they old themselves. If they do go college, it be for technical job for 2 years, mostly for fixing cars or welding. Most khmer parents are extremely happy if their kids just stay away from gang violence and have conventional daily job. That's what I see mostly. It's a debate I don't want to get into....simply because it's not black and white discussion. Education can mean different to a lot of people. I mean, higher education, like phD or master, not like khmer thinking, education is to pass high school and get a 10-15/hr job. I mean a 6 figure job and graduating all up the PhD in medical, law, business, government, poliltical science, and computers. Not working for a warehouse as a team leader lol...

Also, I'm 32 years old, I'm from an older generation. If you are 18 right now, your parents might be different mindset from my parents so I can't speak for the newer generation. I only hope you guys have more assimilated parents then us older ones. Each generation does slowly progress and become slightly different.


Level 2
Yes, my parents have a different mindset. They emphasize education a lot. Sometimes I feel that's the only thing they care about: getting an education (college degree), high paying job, house, etc. College is good if you major in the right field. If you pursue something like communications you might find yourself without a job for a long time after you graduated. I didn't think that I would have a problem finding work in my field (Business Admin) but now I know how competitive the job market really is. Even my friends who are nurses told me that the nursing field has become very competitive. Jobs are scarce everywhere I suppose.

If your child is inclined toward gang/violence, it's a big blessing if they just stay out of trouble and have a job to keep them busy while at the same time making some money. They can do better than that, sure. But if they are content with a 10-15/hr job, I'm fine with it. I'm all for a simple life. Just hope they don't have to struggle too much.
Oh hamster, you lucky dear, to have parents with the right mindset.

School is a touchy subject for me, I don't want to talk about it much (makes me angry) but one thing for sure, I'm all for the simple life too! As I told Rei too, I'm an old soul, I just want to eat good, sleep good, and everything else is extra for me! I hate to be angry at anything nowadays, just want to be happy and be around some good company, a guy like me can't ask for more. That why I like kf/kp so much, I find other khmer who like to watch chinese talk khmer!

Putting my anger aside, I agree with you. Khmer parents will surely tell their kids that school is important and to go to school everyday and not hang out with the bad influence :D


Level 2
Every fast food, every restaurant for that matter, needs to adopt the motto "we don't make it 'til you order it." I hate eating cold food that's supposed to be hot. Sure some foods you can make ahead of time, such as salads, soup, etc. But NOT chicken nuggets! :rage: I hate cold nuggets. And Wendy's serves cold nuggets every freakin' time. What's up with them?! I don't even mind waiting for hot freshly made food.
Sometimes they screw you on the burgers too, at Jack in the Box and Burger King, taste like old burgers.