Ny Road Rage

New Yorkers, pfftt.....what a bunch of motorcycle riding window smashing undercover cop and buster ass people! Come to seattle, we show you how to do it right :D


Whoa, that's some scary stuff. Glad he's alright. He only did what he did to protect his family and I'm sure most can relate.


Level 3
In spite of this, in 2009, New York, Dallas/Fort Worth, Detroit, Atlanta and Minneapolis/St. Paul were rated the top five "Road Rage Capitals" of the United States.


I am a little late replying . Here goes, I would zigzag and try to take them all down hehe, just kidding. But I too am on the SUV peeps side. Would do anything if I knew my family are in danger!


I live in New York that why I dont go to the big city.


Damn, I remember this incident last year...a sad one, i must say.

I have this hatred "thing" for motorcyclists when they're on the road. They act like they have the right of way on the road, especially the freeways. I live in a city where bumper-to-bumper traffic exists on work days. I see these peeps in motorcycles cutting through everyone in between the lanes.

What's scary is that when there is no traffic and I'm going 60-70mph AND there's another car pacing me on my right (or left), there would sometimes be a motorcyclist speeding in between us and accelerating fast ahead. I'm like WTF, a little bump would have killed the dude. I can tell you this, it's not the same everywhere else. I understand people who rides motorcycles for many benefits. It's just the few who takes advantage of the situation and breaking laws. It's apparent where I'm at.


Goingn back to the topic, I wondered what happened to the Asian dude, Alexian. Last I heard he was trying to sue the city of NY. If I was him, would have done the same thing. I'd run over these mofos, man. I wouldn't put my wife and kids in danger. It's my fight or flight decision. I agree with Alexian. And this is not an Asian thang, it's being a human being.

The video isnt exist no more

Jaxa, here's one online. The juicy part was cut off at the end though. x_x

Hey Jaxa, is your birthday April 7, 1986?