Chess Theory

Might as well, eh?

In regards to chess openings, I prefer to play white so I can move my Queen side pawn to e4. I always aim to control the 4 center squares as quick as possible, I don't like slow pace games. My favorite opening is the Fried Liver attack, I played it at least a few hundred times so I can study the variations. Also, I love to play gambits such as the King's gambit. Does anyone here love chess as much as I do? We can share our understanding on this thread.


I'm experienced in the Patzer's opening, often this qxh4 attack is played by beginners but its been known to be used in tournament by high ranking players as well.
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Level 2
Sorry bro, I can't contribute anything. I'm gonna try those opening moves. Maybe for once I might beat the computer.
Awesome, I guess its just gonna be me and you on this boring thread lol. When I have time, I will post those 10 opening moves.


Level 3
I haven't played Chess in ages, so I'm pretty rusty. I am interested in studying some of your openings though.


Those openings are usually good in the beginner levels but as you get higher it is hard to find an edge strategically.

Try learning the more subtle Ruy Lopez and play something like the Albin Counter Gambit as black. It probably suits your style.
Those openings are usually good in the beginner levels but as you get higher it is hard to find an edge strategically.

Try learning the more subtle Ruy Lopez and play something like the Albin Counter Gambit as black. It probably suits your style.
Good point, Vannak. I'm still learning the subtleties of Ruy Lopez openings. But those are something beginners should stay away from? I been studying the Sicilian defence but there's so many variations to it, its so mind-boggling.
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Most beginners lose because they don't understand the reasons behind the move and try to find a win by memorizing lines. That's the natural progress of chess players.

You need to move away from opening and work on understanding and general strategic planning. Try reading some chess books on planning like Silman's Reassess Your Chess.

On your studying the Sicilian, you need to pick a system and then learn that. For example, Nadjorf then you just learn the few variation that white can play out of it.
Vannak, I challenge u to a friendly game of chess. Let me know when's a good time. There's no need to set up an acct to play me, I will give you a link to click on when you're ready.
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@Hamster and [user]Hunnie[/user]

I learned this kid opening when I started teaching myself chess many years ago. I got it off a chess Cd-Rom. At the time, I was a complete novice, I didn't even know how the pieces moved. I played this opening and its variations for many years. It's very easy to learn but unfortunately it's not a strong opening and I don't recommend staying on this opening for too long. However, studying this opening will introduce you to some of the basic ideas of strategy, tactics, and so forth. It's a simple and fun opening to play, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did (y).


Each pawn quickly position itself in the center, which is very important, strategically. Note, this is not an actual game and you will rarely see four pawn in the center, untouched. Often, aggressive players on each side will eagerly trade pawns, opening up either the d or e column or both, but that is not always the case. For example, in the Blackmar gambit, only one pawn is taken.


Knights, also called the Horse, are special pieces. They are the only piece that can jump over another piece. You can develop the Knights in the first move since they're not blocked by their own pawns. Generally, they are most effective towards the center. Knights are weakest near edges and corners since their mobility is hindered. A knight moves 3 squares in an L-shape pattern. The first move is two squares in any direction except diagonal, then one square to the left or right. Popular openings that are similar, with all four Knights converging towards the centered pawns, albeit a bit more complex, includes the Giuoco Piano opening and the Four Knights game.


The bishop can only move diagonally but in as many squares as desired, as long as the path isn't block by another piece. Bishop pairs each occupies a light and dark square and does not change throughout the game. Bishops and Knights are more stronger when they work together and are usually the first to be attacked and defended as they are among the first to be developed. A common tactic is to "pin" the opponent's Knight with your bishop. One of the worse scenarios is when an unassuming knight or bishop gets trapped by a lowly pawn.


Always "castle" your king, this put your king in a corner and give him more protection from checkmate. Castling involves moving your king (king side castle, at least) two spaces to your right and moving your rook two spaces opposite, each piece "hops" over each other. Note, castling can only be done if the king and rook haven't moved and squares in their path aren't blocked or attacked.
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Level 3
I'm not into chess. :D Too many series to watch Happy.
But I will need help with Accounting later, all the answers to my homework and reports would be nice. (y)
I just want the easy way out man, only one more Accounting class for my general and I'm out of there.
I'm really not going to use Accounting in my career, seriously. :)
Hunnie Bear said:
...I will need help with Accounting later, all the answers to my homework and reports would be nice. (y)
I just want the easy way out man, only one more Accounting class for my general and I'm out of there.
I'm really not going to use Accounting in my career, seriously. :)
lolz....good luck with accounting, I took one quarter of that and i was seriously not interested in going further. Not knocking down accounting though, any job is great right now in the recession.

Hunnie Bear said:
I'm not into chess. :D Too many series to watch Happy.
you can always read it on a rainy day, eh.
I'm not into chess. :D Too many series to watch Happy.
But I will need help with Accounting later, all the answers to my homework and reports would be nice. (y)
I just want the easy way out man, only one more Accounting class for my general and I'm out of there.
I'm really not going to use Accounting in my career, seriously. :)
All I want is to have coffee with you, and maybe we can walk in the park and hold hands?


I play on FICS if you're on there.

We may have learned chess from the same first book. I remember learning the Guicco and playing it just because the book told me too.


Level 2
Wish I could watch you guys play, happy and Vannak.

Let me try these moves against the computer...