If you are not buying the videos for their quality, its wise to just get them download files free from here. Since member can easily get their credit points for free just by posting in the forum.
Even at $1 donation, you will get 1,000 points and that will get you a good 5-8 download series here. All donation goes towards keeping the site going. All the uploader here are not cashing out their credit points either because it's a waste to do so.
You pay $1 for 1,000 points. If you cash it out, you pay a 75% interest on the trade back. So with 1,000 points, you get 25 cent back.
We uploader will be using our credits back towards the forum event or it'll be sitting there. So as a result, we don't make money off our uploading or downloads. Those credit points are to get members to participate in the forum so we can keep it active.