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  1. samimi

    Discussion Painted Skin 2

    Love the song in painted skin 2011! The end is so sad! Love fiona :)
  2. samimi

    What Do You Know About French Food?

    Yeah breads are good, you should also Try pastries, it tastes very good too
  3. samimi

    What Do You Know About French Food?

    I want to create this thread because i saw that in this section there are thread about every countries ´ food. So why not making of about French food. two dishes that foreigners are reluctant frog legs and snails ... Mmmh miam miam
  4. samimi

    What Is Your Favorite Color?

    Yes i totally agree with you, i think it Will attract more people to Join the forum :)
  5. samimi


    The trafic light! My mom has already asked me about that! She is very amazing with riddles
  6. samimi

    What Is Your Favorite Color?

    My favorite color is green because it reminds me someone very important for me :)))
  7. samimi

    Makeup Styles

    Why not put tutorial vidéos, so we can see how you make up and it Will help us to find ideas to make up
  8. samimi

    Duke Of Mount Deer 2000

    I remember that it was a great series and very funny ! Ruby Lin is very cute in it :)
  9. samimi

    Journey To The West I & Ii Ppctv

    Yeah can't wait to rewatch that serie ! Hunnie you are the best
  10. samimi

    What Are You Currently Listening To?

    Mamacita by Super junior Even if the are getting old i still love this group !
  11. samimi

    Arcade Contest

    Ohhh that look great and funny ! I Will Check out daily as you said na :)
  12. samimi

    Membership Ranks And Titles

    It´s just an idea but why not give the opportunity to all members to create its own avatar according to wuxia hero ? So each member Will be unique ! A kind of dolls Haa haa that would be great no ?
  13. samimi

    Complete Sanaeha Sunya Kaen

    Dome ´s acting is Better in this lakorn than his other lakorn He starts to be used to it ! :)
  14. samimi

    Arcade Contest

    How can i participate ? And where are posted the games ? Plz
  15. samimi

    Laughter is the best medicine

    Laughter is the best medicine
  16. samimi


    So i get all the right answers ! I get the prize !!! :D
  17. samimi

    Man Vs Wild With Celebrities

    What do you all think about that program ? I love Bear Grills and i hope it Will Be released in French Channel soon !
  18. samimi


    Thank my fri But can you tell me What is the answer that u are looking for? So i do not need to check by myself
  19. samimi


    One night coz at night there is not any light. The light comes in the morning so one night Haa haa
  20. samimi


    I think the answer is SHORT because When u add an E and a R it becomes shorter Am i right ?