What makes me unique? My fingerprints??? I do copy or imitate other people, their good qualities/aspects, if I think that doing so will make me a better person. For example, I come here and I get inspired to be passionate and put 110% in whatever I do
I consider myself a realist. I am optimistic when I have reasons to be and pessimistic when things look bleak. What do I struggle with? With myself mostly, because I can be hard on myself. And sometimes I find it hard to face up to the things I've done, especially when those things disappoint others. I try not to let people down. No, I'm not a pushover. I need to chill. I'm open to new things/ideas if they sense and are logical.
About the world, kalyann said it, it's kind of unfair. Bad people seem to prosper and live longer than good people.
I love my dogs and I hate child molester.