I feel all late now replying to the Amanda Knox topic - I ignore cases like this one because the media downplays cases with minorities (lots of missing black and brown girls...) and focuses on attractive young white women because that's what White America cares about.
Its been like that for a really long time. The real shit never gets the media attention it deserves. There should be more coverage on bigotry, discrimination, and poverty in our country. The media tend to sweep those things under the rugs. Like you said, White people don't give a fuck about it, probably because they are perpetrator!
I think whether or not she killed she was there and had a part in it. She knows who the killer was and she knows exactly what happen. But does she deserve to spend the rest of her life in jail for participating in a drug-fueled party that ended badly for Meredith Kutcher? Maybe not for murder, but definitely an accessory or co-conspirator.

I think this privilege white girl needs to be taught a lesson in humility and responsibility.