What's the difference between private and public schools? lol I dont want to get into it without sounding like a jerk but I'll be frank, I'm done with community colleges. Its just a personal preference. Some people are picky, I'm one of those people. Although its tempting to enroll cause one class will cost me way less than a grand but I guess I'm sick of the small town feel of it. I don't consider it a real college and the instructors get paid less so they are less serious about their jobs, student are less serious about their learning progress. More wackos go to community colleges. The students and instructors are pretty much broke and starving. It's depressing. This is honestly how I feel about it and hate talking about it cause it offends people and I'm not trying to offend nobody, especially you, cause I know you're a transfer student and I think you rock! I hope you the best also

. I really hate community college-level instructors, they are so lazy and broke man. I rather pay the 3000 per class for the level of education that I want.
Its a good place to save money for the first two years though, I highly suggest if that's you're just can't afford it to pay 30,000 a year tuition but you get what you pay off in life and colleges are no exception to that rule. I dont even know I can afford it but I tell you thing, I'm gonna start planning. I'm not going back to community college, like how criminals don't want to go back to jail. That basically sums up how I feel about it. I rather get shot, rape, become homeless than go to a community college man lol...I hate it man.
I would have to pay off my student loans, and my mercedes if I'm gonna take out a loan. I will be saving up cash.
It's a touchy subject I hope I didn't offend you. Community colleges are awesome if you want to save hella money!

Thanks for uploads and youre hella sexy....oh la la.....
I sat at home at thinking, man what should I do for fight boredom. I dont want to go out with people to do dancing or drinking. I dont want to hang out at people's house at a party or sit on someone couch talking nonsense. I dont have any friends (except a few). I just thought man, be a good time to sit in class, I be surrounded by people and I can stimulate my mind - so that's how I came up with the idea of just enrolling in college - besides work, I have no life. It's time hunnie....I'm tired of shopping too. There's nothing that I need to buy. Oh I get so bored at home man, either I visit khmerforums/khmeravenue or play online chess then shopping. I be so happy to be in school learning and earning some credits.

I get so stir-crazy I have to smoke weed to calm myself down.