A little insight into who I am...
I have strong academic abilities and I'm naturally analytical. Unfortunately, I'm also an introvert and sociopath. I dissociate with 99 percent of the people I socialize with. I can reverse engineer/fix pretty much anything that I put my mind to. I know a little bit about sound engineering. I consider myself an expert in chemistry/math. English bores me. Most people bores me. I'm highly discipline but I have my vices. I dumb down for people everyday. I been dumbing down for people for years just to fit in. Especially non-college type of people. I like people based on how they treat me and not what position in life they are in or how attractive or talented they are. I find most people to be ignorant regardless of their social status or job. I love to be around and make friends with amazing people. I don't hate but I have no interest with average people. I find most good looking people to be very ugly on the inside. I used to be very good looking but not anymore because of drugs. I became a drug addict right after my father died. I'm not anymore. I'm private school educated. I'm an ego-maniac. On the flipside of things, I'm actually a very non-judgemental and nice guy. It all depends on the vibe I get from people. I can be your best friend or worse nightmare. I love beautiful woman but I hate their "I'm so beautiful, can get any guy" attitude. I hate pussy-whipped guys. I think they make the rest of us look bad. Jealous people disgust me the most.