Haha I'm not that good bro. I just know "protect yourself at all times," footwork is damn important, jab, cross, hook, haymakers, combos, bob your head, protect ur chin, don't get hit too much, don't push your punches, learn body conditioning, impact training - which is taking hard hits without damaging your body, train your cores muscles, forearms and hand strengh is extremely important, and that size doesn't matter, that throwing a punch take so many coordination, not everyone has what it takes to throw a punch, hmm...for a boxer, is body conditioning, reflex, years of intense training of the same moves over and over.....
An old Shaolin proverb, "Better to practice one move 1000 times then to practice 1000 moves one time."
So I literally go to the gym and throw the same punch for hours. Only me and this thai kickerboxer trains this way, all the american folks do flashy stuff to impress people. lolz
I just know some of the training techniques but I can't coach or commentate ....
Watching a boxing match and training and actually fighting in the ring are totally different things

I can tell you how to train though
There's certain target on the human body that if you hit them there, its fucked them up for life.
that's why gloves are used.
Never hit the back or the side of the head, one blow can kill. that's why boxers always have their hands up - its to save their life.
boxing is the most dangerous sport bro...many have died in the ring....

even with gloves on.
Mike Tyson, in all his fights, uses the bob-weave technique. He has his hands real close to his chest, and he weaves thru his oppenent punches to striking distance.
I dont know a lot but I know one or two things, that's all. Enough to get me by. Boxers are the best punchers in the world, kickboxers are the best kickers in the world, etc....bruce lee was known for this eclectic style - taking everything good thing from other styles and making it one - jeet kune do.
Just one punch, a proper jab involves so much of the human body to coordinate - starting with the toe to the pinky

. think hammer hitting a nail - ur fist is the hammer, your opponent face is the nail lolz. Also, speed is strength, that's why small people can generate so much power. Think bullet velocity or comet velocity. The force of impact has so much momentum just from speed
Hand speed is important, most important, is the fighting spirit. All fights happen internally.