Membership Ranks And Titles


like I am a cool act man, so I am sure that this position will be for me
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
The show will goes on till the fat lady sing.
Ninja's code of conduct. Accomplish the mission at all cost.
So, Chenna will be mine. Lolz:roflmao:


Level 3
Super Moderator
Don't be feeling left out, PkaLotus. If there is a position open within your department.
Bluebird will certain summit an application for it. Lolz:rolleyes:
you are so sweet, my Bluebird dear<3+<3 my heart is full and filled with joy since i`m surround whom dear to me:D


Level 1
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
The show will goes on till the fat lady sing.
Ninja's code of conduct. Accomplish the mission at all cost.
So, Chenna will be mine. Lolz:roflmao:

ho ho, don't be so proud of youself, if you follow the Ninja's code of conduct, you must know that all Ninja have master, you indefectible loyalty requires the accoplishment of your honor and duty before love !!! Like Basilisk !!!! :ninja:


Level 3
Ranks Requirements
There are currently two ways to level up your ranks. You can mix match your way up:

I. Traditional
1. Immortal ........ 10,000 + (X * 1000)
Where X is the number of existing immortals

2. Legendary: ..... 5,000 Posts
3. Master: ........... 2,500 Posts
4. Hero: .............. 1,000 Posts
5. Swordsman: .... 500 Posts
5. Wanderer: ....... 250 Posts
6. Commoner: ..... 30 Posts
7. Beggar: ............. 0

II. Challenges

1. Immortal ... Must complete THREE of the following challenges:
  • 5,000 Khmer Avenue / Merlkon Videos
  • 5,000 Khmer Forum Posts
  • 5,000 Drama Trailer Data Posts
  • Win first place in the Arcade Contest 10 Times

2. Legendary ..... Must complete TWO of the following challenges:

  • 5 Arcade Contest First Place Winner
  • 100 Khmer Avenue / Merlkon "Albums"
  • 300 Drama Trailer Posts
  • 1,000 Likes from Forum posts

3. Master ... Must complete ONE of the following challenges:

  • 500 Drama Trailers Data Posts
  • 500 Khmer Avenue / Merlkon Videos

4. Hero:
.................. Must have written 20 reviews on Drama Trailers

Swordsman: .... Must have shared 5 "Albums" on Khmer Ave / Merlkon / Khmer Forum

6. Wanderer:
....... Must have shared 1 "Album" Khmer Ave / Merlkon / Khmer Forum

7. Commoner:
...... Please see traditional ranking

Beggar: ........... Please see traditional ranking

I just completed the 5,000 Khmer Forum Posts. :D


Level 3
Super Moderator
I just completed the 5,000 Khmer Forum Posts. :D
congrats to you, hunnie dear by reaching it... you are the first one, dear... so proud of you<3+<3


Level 1
Congratulation Sopheaktra! You will conquer more as we speak. :)
yeah, and I will be come the conquerer like Napoleon !!!!! :sneaky::sneaky:, by the way I am searching one thai serie " Jerng Laor Chname 98"


the man has the lead role in this serie (the pic is not the serie searched !!! just I don't know the name of this actor )
Last edited:


Level 3
yeah, and I will be come the conquerer like Napoleon !!!!! :sneaky::sneaky:, by the way I am searching one thai serie " Jerng Laor Chname 98"


the man has the lead role in this serie (the pic is not the serie searched !!! just I don't know the name of this actor )

You will have to ask theary, I'm only familiar with Chinese drama. :)