I really can't speak for other girls, what they look for in a guy when it comes to using them. But I prefer using a guy that have
both. If only a car, see ya.Don't matter what he drives if he's broke. If he only has money but aren't giving, see ya too.
If I have to pick one, of course I want a guy that has money over car, because a girl need lots of thing that only money can buy.
To answer your question, men shouldn't be afraid of being used for his car. You will never lose your car by driving her around. You both gets to enjoy each other company in your nice ride. I see more wins in this situation. That is probably why, guys like to show off their nice ride to girls.
You are paying for your expensive car every month whether there's a girl in your life or not. If all the girl need is a nice ride, you pretty much got her for a cheap deal, I say go for it.