''For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone''thank you sis
Thanks Hunnie for a great movie ..I really like Tony ...Hunnie do you have old Justice Bao in year 1993 and Steve Ma was in there too ..
Do you have ATV justice Pao 1995 Hunnie ?
Thanks much much Hunnie , I do have cover of Steve Ma and Erica Choi . I have cover of ATV Justice Pao 1995 too but I don't know how to post in here ..hehe I am not good
Thanks much much Hunnie ... yes, i think it is but not sure ...Here the link I am looking for :
Hope you can open it Hunnie. You are big helper .. big thank
I think this one Hunnie...super thanks Hunnie