Hi Everyone,
Ami had brought this subject up and I believe it is a interesting one... please share with us all your experiences to help release back pain
Ami had mentioned that she has been doing Qi Gong Exercise and help reduce the pain... which what my mom does her Morning Qi Gong Exercise as well.... while in shower.... and she told me that help her reduce her back pain too. My mom starts at 8minutes til end while in Morning shower
I guess I need to do that too... My back in kill me. Have u ever watch "Shutter". I felt like some1 is holding on my back and causing me to have back pain every day lol
goupon, every day pain how can u stand it when it is killing u like hell? i heard that Herb Pharm, Stone Breaker, 1 fl oz (29.6 ml) from iherb.com could help u but not sure. pk said u have to push up for starter man