Title: Ao Jian Jiang Hu
Also known as: Ba Jiu Wen Qing Tian
Episodes: 48
Year: 2007
Language: Khmer
* Yu Bo as Fang Xu
* Yang Jun Yi as Yu Huo Lian
* Kathy Chow as Li Bo
* Yuki Hsu as Fang Li
* Max Zhang as Leng Qing
* Ray Liu as Di Cang Wang / You Lin Wang
Zhang Hao from the Son Dynasty was forced to kill a village of more than one hundred people. The Song Emperor order his whole family. From that time on, he have to hide his name, You Lin Wang, and plan on getting revenge.
Twenty years later, Yu Huo Lian, who calls You Lin Wang father, helps him proceed and bring forth his plans of revenge. He fell in love with Fang Li who is the sister of Fang Xu. Huo Lian tries to get rid of Song, but the Emperor always helps him through the hard times. At the same time, Fang Xu tries to get to You Lin Wang so he can find out things for the Emperor. Will they both be able to get to what they want?
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