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  1. goupon

    Complete Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei

    Watch @ Khmerstream
  2. goupon

    Complete Love Of The Millennium

    Watch @ Khmerstream
  3. goupon

    Complete Strange Tales Of Liao Zhai 1,2,3

    Watch @ Khmerstream
  4. goupon

    Aftermarket Car Stereo

    Just got myself an Android 4.1 (JellyBean) double 2 Din w/gps from ebay. Now, i worry how the hack i gonna install in my 2002 Accord hehehe. I know nothing about fixing car lol.. current watching youtube on how to install and add amp & sub I saw in Kali's shop where they add ipad to the...
  5. goupon

    Malaysia Airlines Disappeared

    What do you guyz think of? If for example, the plane will never be found? Could the plane be in a different dimension? Alien abduction? or somewhere under the deepest ocean?
  6. goupon

    Immigration Section?

    Not sure if anyone interest in a new Forum "Immigration"? If so, we can ask Admin to add. The topic can be any range from sponsorship, visiting America, rule and regulation, ICE, etc I had some experiences in helping other esp sponsor, visiting and don't mine sharing. Hope to expand the...
  7. goupon

    Idevices Fan

    Those with iDevice(s), do you jailbreak? Why or why not?
  8. goupon

    Complete Heroic Legend Of The Yang Family I & Ii

    Part 1: Heroic Legend of the Yang's Family Watch @ KhmerAve Part 2: Heroic Legend of the Yang's Family II Watch @ KhmerAve The Great General: It is the sequel to the series Heroic Legend of the Yang's Family, featuring mostly the same cast.
  9. goupon

    Treasure Raiders - Felix Wong

    Never get a chance to watch this one. Please share
  10. goupon

    Battle Against Evil And Land Of Condor

    Battle Against Evil And Land of Condors Please share
  11. goupon

    [guide] Encoding Video

    What you need: 1. SmartRipper 2. HandBreak 3. Aiseesoft MKV Converter Note: this is a portable. No need to install. Just click on Aiseesoft MKV Converter. Can join, cut, split, and watermark mp4. SmartRipper: 1. Click on File, put a check mark only on VOB 2. Under Target, browser to where...
  12. goupon

    Windows Profile Error

    I notice a lot of my customers or friends always encounter "Profile Error" when power on their pc. Attachment is where you can fix the Profile Error without losing any of your files. I google from sources. Hope this will help you.
  13. goupon

    Software For

    MegaUploder MegaDownloader Use the above to upload/download files to/from
  14. goupon

    Culture Crisis

    Note: Please do not get offended if I or other state their opinion. Just want to create more thread to keep all of us alive :) A lot of Khmer living in the US always participate in American culture. Introducing there kids on almost every US major holiday. Adults/Kids are excited when that...
  15. goupon

    Khmer Font For Ipad/iphone

    Do you want to be able to view Khmer font on your iPad/iPhone? Check out facebook, 4khmeriphoneteam How to: 1. On Safari, enter 2. Ok--> enter passcode if you have-->install 3. Done Lot of great stuffs created by Khmer people.
  16. goupon

    Browser For Iphone/ipad

    Those who had iPhone/iPad, you can install Puffin Browser to watch any of my movies. Puffin is free but you can upgrade for $3 to remove ads.
  17. goupon

    Ghost, What Do You Think?

    As the title stated: Have you ever encounter/experience seeing a ghost?
  18. goupon

    Tip For Windows 8

    A little techie for those who have Windows 8. If you want an icon for Shutdown, here's a little code i google from. Copy& Paste the code to Notepad and save as Shutdown.vbs. Make sure it's not Shutdown.vbs.txt. If you do see .txt, just delete the ".txt" dim objShell set objShell =...
  19. goupon

    Mystery Of The Twin Sword 2

    K-bross had upload this but it's an unfinished one. Please share if anyone have Mystery Of The Twin Sword 2 thx in advance
  20. goupon

    Sub-forum "complete"??? Automatically Move Itself???

    Admin, Is it possible to have it set automatically to have all "Complete" movies move to a sub-forum call "Complete"?