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  1. Barbara


    I guess my skin will be like crocodile skin since I don't eat fish. But that OK, in a million no raw fish or any kind.:eek:
  2. Barbara

    Easy, Simple, Elegant Updos Hairstyle

    OK, probably this thread is more for the ladies at the forums. I need helps, opinions, and pictures on an updos hairstyle for the holiday party. I don't want anything fancy or complicated. Ladies, any suggestions will be appreciated.
  3. Barbara


    Well, enjoy your raw meats, Sopheaktra. No raw meats for me.
  4. Barbara

    What Is The Easiest Khmer Food To Cook?

    Sorry hunnie I didnt have any dish to share :(
  5. Barbara


    It doesn't matter how silky will make my skin but no raw fish. No raw what so ever. Everything has to cook well done
  6. Barbara


    I like sweet so it doesn't matter what kind I like them all, but I just know that palm sugar is more fattting than chocolate. It is horrible because I thouht palm sugar supposes to be all natural and everything. I ate that sucker and make me gain 5 lbs.
  7. Barbara

    Vacation Photos

    Wow that look nice,pk. How often do you travel during the year? I like to travel too. I used to travel a lot until I have my kids I cut it down to 2 times a year. But I am no that adventure like you. I am more into exploring in a the city and shopping no nature. But most of the time I just go...
  8. Barbara

    What & Where??>>

    Thanks, PkaLotus. Now I see it. I must be completely blind this morning. Getting oldX3
  9. Barbara

    9 More Monday Til Xmas

    I don't know if I should be exciting or sad. I guess I am exciting because I am going to have some days off. I am DEPRESSING because I have to go and see my out-law faces and have to deal with them :mad::banghead::bag::nailbiting:. What are others expressions can I do?????
  10. Barbara

    A Good Program To Down Mp3

    I did give it to you ;). How come you didn't get my picture? :p:rolleyes:. Hmmmm.
  11. Barbara

    A Good Program To Down Mp3

    OK Hunnie, I went to that link, but then what? Do I just need to copy and past the link from youtube to download the music? I am kind lost, not too bright with tech. Sorry.
  12. Barbara

    What & Where??>>

    Hunnie where is your blade heart that you talked about. I must be blinded because I couldn't find or see it. I got to change my to new pair of glasses.
  13. Barbara

    Bong Paou Neak Kla Han

    Thanks lovepink but I don't think they have all the episodes
  14. Barbara

    What Are You Currently Doing?

    I am laughing at happy with all his comments.
  15. Barbara

    A Good Program To Down Mp3

    Hi hunnie. How are you, girl
  16. Barbara

    Anne Thongprasom

    I think she is so pretty that you wouldn't believe she is a mother. Too bad she doesn't do movies any more.
  17. Barbara

    Anne Thongprasom

    Well I guess you don't like big face. I have a big face. I guess you probably won't like me that much if I see you this summer. Now I am scare to meet you;)<3+<3 just in case you don't like my face.
  18. Barbara

    A Good Program To Down Mp3

    Hunnie has it. But she is a good girl she won't give it to you. Right hunnie?:)
  19. Barbara

    A Good Program To Down Mp3

    I haven't tried yet, hunnie. I just open the link through my iPhone just to see how it look like. Are you going to do a video to teach us how. That would be awesome.
  20. Barbara

    A Good Program To Down Mp3

    Thanks goupon. I will try this week end