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  1. Ash

    Membership Ranks And Titles

    For example, the ranking ladder in Wuxia Theme: 1. Immortal 2. Legendary 3. Masters 4. Heroes 5. etc ...
  2. Ash

    Membership Ranks And Titles

    Ranks Requirements There are currently two ways to level up your ranks. You can mix match your way up: I. Traditional 1. Immortal ........ 10,000 + (X * 1000) Where X is the number of existing immortals 2. Legendary: ..... 5,000 Posts 3. Master: ........... 2,500 Posts 4. Hero: ...
  3. Ash

    Membership Ranks And Titles

    Membership ranks are earned by various requirements, including post counts. We can switch the Silver and Gold theme out for better title theme. Please post suggestions here. Ranks 1. Immortal 2. Legendary 3. Master 4. Hero 5. Swordsman 6. Wanderer 7. Commoner 8. Beggar -1. Prisoner Sects...
  4. Ash

    Currency Exchange And Withdrawal Information

    Lets say you want to exchange your current points (4,960) to dollar amount. The math: 4,960 points = $4.96 50% Interest = - $2.48 Total After: $2.48
  5. Ash

    Point Rewards

    Hello Hunnie, previous followers will not be included as it has to be done manually, & somewhat time consuming. You can ask them to unfollow you for now until the feature is added. Drama Trailers points will only be transferred over starting from August Contest. However, all Khmer Ave &...