Recent content by Hitori_no

  1. H

    Dubbing Serie With All Members For Fun

    I'm also cheering for this project to come alive! Interesting idea if executed! :cat:
  2. H

    Series With The Worst Ending

    Same as me! I don't watch much Korean dramas. But my sis is a major fan! You might want to try My Love from the Star though. I don't normally watch romance drama. I watched it out of curiosity and that one was unexpectedly good for me. and no it wasn't because of Kim Soo-Hyun. I like Jun...
  3. H

    What Was Your Very First Computer?

    My first computer was an E-Mac, it was white, huge, heavy , and looked pretty cool! Macintosh products was still pretty underground at that time so I felt a bit elitism for having it. Then Mac products hitted the store several years later ... everyone talked about Apple products ... :eek:
  4. H

    Sony Xperia Z2

    I had wanted the Sony Ultra because it was huge! But so expensive so I couldn't afford it. Heard the Z3 will be pretty similar to the Z2 based on current rumors flying out there. The Z2 should hit a major price cut after the Z3 release ...X3
  5. H

    Anne Thongprasom

    Oum Ruk was really good!! I started to like Ann in The Princess with Willy. Then Rang Ngao with Ken made me a fer of her. She was great in there! I basically loved every lakorns of her ever since then. Except the one with Rome, Cheleuy Suk. Sadly to say though ... Forget me Not was not as I was...
  6. H

    Crystal Liu Yifei

    I liked her the most in Return of the Condor Heroes. I thing she looked really compatible with Huang Xiao Ming. Definitely enjoyed their onscreen chemistry.
  7. H

    Adding Soon Pik Mongkut (crown Wing)

    I saw that lakorn ! It was really good so thank you for your future upload! I would of liked a different ending but It was satisfying in a way! Good series! Made me a fan of Pancake! :cool: