They all vary to be honest. Personally you want to get one that has decent DPI (dots per inch), feels comfortable around your hands and enough buttons to your liking.
Do you have any suggestion on which mouse, Rock?
They all vary to be honest. Personally you want to get one that has decent DPI (dots per inch), feels comfortable around your hands and enough buttons to your liking.
Well I guess it depends on how much you are willing to spend for starters.
I paid over 100 for mine, it has incredible DPI that can be adjusted. Can changed into 12 different colors, has about 10 buttons and feels great. I'm sure there's plenty of great gaming mouse out there. My is made by Thermaltake and razer are great brand too, a little cheaper. There's plenty of them.
Let me know what you decided on.
price went down to 58.00 at newegg, where I bought mines.Took a look at bestbuy website and the deals for the gaming mouse isn't good right now. I know it will get cheaper later for the holiday, so I'm going to wait on it since I have so much to buy first.
By the way, what is the name of the mouse that you're currently using. I want to check it out since you said it's really good already. I'm not an expert on gaming mouse.
newegg is the best. you can apply for billmelater......I did.I like Newegg, they have tons of things I want but can't afford![]()
price went down to 58.00 at newegg, where I bought mines. level 10 mouse&sqi=2&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&biw=1842&bih=935&bvm=pv.xjs.s.en_US.ClVHbHStgs4.O&tch=1&ech=1&psi=IeZ3UreFOKiAiwLc-4HwBQ.1383589432062.3&sa=X&ei=OuZ3Uu78MKW-igLBtoCAAg&ved=0CIYEEPMCMAA
newegg is the best. you can apply for billmelater......I did.
I like Newegg, they have tons of things I want but can't afford![]()
I use the Razer brand mouse and keyboard that lights up blue. The mouse I use is the DeathAdder. It has 6 buttons total and If I remember correctly, I paid $50 at the time when I bought it.
The more buttons on a mouse means the more hot keys you can set on it. Unlike the traditional mouse, with 3 buttons if you include the scroll button, you can set the buttons for different functions.
If thats the case, look for a mouse with high DPI and adjustable so you can make it as responsive as you want.