Do you believe in God???>
God gave us free will, wanting us to do good things, but knows the future and so, God knows whether we are going to hell even before we are born, but God wants us to live our lives so that God can judge us by our bad actions which he knew were going to do since God is the one who created us. The best part is that we were created in the image of God.
A young boy starts a conversation with God.
He says, "God, you made the first man and woman, right?."
"Indeed," replies God.
"And....they were naked in the garden, right?."
"Well, yes," replies God.
"And...God, you watched them, right?."
"Naturally," replies God, with a shocked expression.
"So God, you invented porn, right?!."

God gave us free will, wanting us to do good things, but knows the future and so, God knows whether we are going to hell even before we are born, but God wants us to live our lives so that God can judge us by our bad actions which he knew were going to do since God is the one who created us. The best part is that we were created in the image of God.
A young boy starts a conversation with God.
He says, "God, you made the first man and woman, right?."
"Indeed," replies God.
"And....they were naked in the garden, right?."
"Well, yes," replies God.
"And...God, you watched them, right?."
"Naturally," replies God, with a shocked expression.
"So God, you invented porn, right?!."