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- Title: คุณชายเลี้ยงหมู คุณหนูเลี้ยงแกะ / Khun Chai Lieng Moo Khun Noo Lieng Gae
- Also known as: Beauty on the run
- Duration: Episodes 26
- Genre: Comedy/Action
- Popularity: top rated/low rated/failure
- Air time: Wednesday & Thursday
- Broadcast network: Channel 7
- Broadcast period: April 17, 2013 --- June 12, 2013
- Theme song: "theme song" Artist Name
- Cee Siwat Chottichaicharin as Character Name
- Praiya Soandokmai (Poo) as Character Name
- Ball Asanai Tientong as Character Name
- Marisa Annita as Character Name
- Pol Poolaphat Attapanyapol as Character Name