How Do You Guys Feel About Khmerconnection?

I used to be a frequent visitor there but I found the people were kinda mean if you didn't sound "educated" or have a flair for writing, so I eventually stopped going to their forum. Recently check it out and I think its amazing how much that site has grown and mature. But I wouldn't trade khmerforums for any other KHMER SITES cause we number 1 in the way we treat each other here.

We are lucky we have a world-class admin here. How many admin will give you $$$?

Everybody deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of your English skills. Do not Kbot Jiet over social status or education level. Love each other, who else gonna love Khmer if not Khmer. I guess you can be educated and be a fool at the time, eh?

Try graduating real life before you project your own insecurities on others less fortunate. You [expletive] weaklings!
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Level 3
I've never made an account there due to the website setup and lack of a friendly community. Just never a fan of community with grammar police and all that. I like the variety of members we have here, and not having to worry about being judged. We are definitely much more humble.

It's true, you can be educated and be a fool at the same time. :)


I've never made an account with the website as I feel it is not a place to make friends but more of a debating website.


HAHA for some reason, I got the feeling that you're trying to spice things up.

Go look up some guy named Kobe Bryant on KC. That guy gave a piece of his mind.

I think there are plenty of chill people there. It sucks a small few, who are with strong ignorant ideas, have to overtake a forum and ruin it for everyone else.

It's true, you can be educated and be a fool at the same time. :)

This. You're spot on with that comment. Look at me, I'm not all there some times haha


Level 3
Super Moderator
I have never been there and thanks so much for the info:D