That's crazy, I'm glad there's decent Koreans out thereYou must have a beautiful sister.
Well I can't say she's beautiful. If anything, she's more like my fraternal twin that's a year and 3 months apart.
That's crazy, I'm glad there's decent Koreans out thereYou must have a beautiful sister.
hey, do u practice bushido?Well I can't say she's beautiful. If anything, she's more like my fraternal twin that's a year and 3 months apart.
hey, do u practice bushido?
Man that's crazy but I get it. You run on a schedule.Some part of it yes but not the whole thing. There are quite a few things that I do not agree with. I had a lot of rage back when I was younger so I started to read books on Tao Te Ching, Bushido and the principles of Jujutsu. It really helped me a lot. I'm a more laid back person although I still like do things on a set schedule. I hate waiting for others and I hate when others wait for me so being on time for anything is one of my characters.
Man that's crazy but I get it. You run on a schedule.
You need some ganja my bro....
Hey I practice Iron Palm![]()
I was kidding with the ganga, actually.I'm not really into that stuff. I know more than half of my relatives smoke weed and offer me some but I declined. I'm allergic to particulates going into my lungs. I've tried smoking before and even was in a van full of them. I just get a really bad reaction and my lungs just starts to fill up slowly with extra thick mucous which makes me feel like I'm drowning. I actually use to be a sickly kid. Meditation is my best friend for those times.
I was kidding with the ganga, actually.
My favorite movie is "the last samurai." Your avatar reminds me of it.Ma bad...I got serious for a moment there.
My favorite movie is "the last samurai." Your avatar reminds me of it.
My partner is Norwegian, he is more Asian than I am. We live together and my mum lives with us and he eats every she puts on the plate for him (he even eats with his hands). He helps out around the house and gives mum money every fortnight for saving and to buy groceries, he kind and very generous to us. He's very old fashion and loves Cambodian culture. He has the biggest heart I know of.I think Asian girls date white men because they think that white guys are more romantic than Asian guys, which it is not true. It is all fake. I think that Asian guys are more mature than white ially guys. But because of the Asian old ancient way that once a woman get married she has to move into the husband family and take care her mother-in-law versus if she married a white guy she doesn't have to do all those thing. I think that's why Asian women prefer white guys. I just think that even though that the case, but Asian people and family has more warm heart than crazy white people. The white people are just plain selfish.
To me it's one of the greatest insults you can give to me as an Asian male. I've seen beautiful girls reject good husbands, the person who is working to be a doctor, a lawyer, or engineer, only to go for a white guy, and to me it's sickening. I've already seen a few of my sisters friends reach Christmas cake status, and now they complain the lack of good men. Some of the kids i see are now making it big, and are even dating girls of other races, because they are so ticked off about the way they were treated before.