Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?


2nd question.

A farmer has seventeen cows; all but eight die. How many cows does the farmer have left?


Level 2
I'm getting dizzy thinking about all this. Ask me an easier question, ask me, what's 2 + 2?
If you are smarter than the 5th grader, you should know the answer.:D
I aint no smarter than a 5th grader, I know my limits.
Technically, at that age, their intelligence is at full learning potential.
Note: intellectually, not emotionally.
You can teach a 5 year old kid almost anything.
They can master chess at this age.
You can teach them some sports but I'm not too sure in this area, this is more of a body thing.
Any musical instruments, they can learn.
They can also become master readers and can master writing skills.
However, a 5 years can't write poetry or originates ideas, they can only absorb it.
They can't create lyrics either, basically, anything that requires life experience, they can't do yet.
They can only mimic but isn't mimic the foundation of learning?
I'm not sure about critical thinking, but I'm sure on some level, they can do.
They can't infer.
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