I got the ipad air on the first of November when it came out. Got it at BestBuy. I got it because its Apple, pretty much to play their exclusive app that other tablet won't have.
I got the white one.
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i get what u mean .../ one thing that apple have upper hand is the app store... there good app from app store if u compare with android.. !! .. yeah the new ipad now look nothing change and same as before... hopefully they back on track to invent something awesome just like when steve job alive... !!!The screen clarity, sound performance, it is faster, and very easy to use. The App store blows away the Android and Windows version! The applications are great and the iPad has good multi tasking features. The keyboard is great, it's thin, it's light, has no lag.The long battery life is excellent.
What I don't like, the material quality! Apple is doing the same thing to the iPad that they did to the iPhone. The back is now a cheap plastic and the screen is noticeably made i of a thinner material making it feel week and easy to break. I am all for a lighter tablet, but not when that means sacrificing quality. There are a lot of good apps to download but not very much space to put them on so an external hard drive is needed unless you want to pay more for 64gb.
i know/// suface rt( surface 1) is affortable... but i heard is lag and doesnt support usb ? i don know.. maybe the ram and cpu too small///? anyway ... nokia 2520 pretty cool ... they say the performance beat suface 2 far away ... and i don know the touch cover .... if the 20$ keyboard can replace 150$ touch cover, why would pp buy the expensive one ?I bought the microsoft surface rt 32GB for $350 because it just wasnt working that well. You can try that it is still n sale maybe it was just my luck. All the windows features. Plus they sell this keyboard case online for $20 on ebay. You dont need to buy the touch or type cover case those are between $120-130 i wouldnt recommend it. And it is convenient for school. There is also this type of hacking thing for apps you can only do with mircosoft surface rt that you cannot do with the new surface 2. You buy a micro sd card and instead of storing your apps onto the tablet you store onto the micro sd card - saves so much room.
yiiii os ja... compare oy merl teat... !!! i know ipad lighter.. but ipad cant replace laptop.. it doesnt have usb hostport.... !! gay !!!!! nokia and suface 2 have 2 usb port so u can tranfer to medie or download anything or use external drive... it cool !!!While the iPad Air bests the Nokia in terms of display resolution and lightweight hardware, the Lumia 2520's price and camera are clear winners. Memory choice is limited to 32 GB on the Lumia 2520, but perhaps the LTE connection will allow for more cloud storage.
Which tablet made your holiday wish list: the iPad Air or the new Nokia Lumia 2520?
yiiii os ja... compare oy merl teat... !!! i know ipad lighter.. but ipad cant replace laptop.. it doesnt have usb hostport.... !! gay !!!!! nokia and suface 2 have 2 usb port so u can tranfer to medie or download anything or use external drive... it cool !!!