True. Sounds like a good Sensei you got there.
What kind of protection do you need in WA? It seemed safe to me when I was there. I remember walking around in the "hood" and I was like whatever. haha
you know I'm a short stature guy back in college, I'm only 5 feet 1 bare footed lol.
back then, I had a really pretty gf, we got assaulted one time at the mall and I couldn't protect her.
So I felt like I had some growth to do as a man - its a long story bro. I might have to tell it to you another time.
but basically, I started working at this company and their were a lot of guys into fighting,
my sifu who taught in california before retiring - a jeet kune do practitioner
he told me look u smart but you aint a man
you can't pull out equations when you get attack in a dark alley had a profound affect on me and I took to training religiously for like years after
because i knew he was right ...
basically went from 100 pounds to a 165 pound fighting machine in like 6 months lol
that the jist of it....
basically nobody fucks me me lolz
I study iron palm, boxing....enough to fight back
I can kill most people lolz sorry - unless you are also a fighter then i would run
that's the first move he taught, to run from a fight you cant win....
I honestly don't believe in violence but I believe there's people out there that will hurt you if you show weakness.